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|Selective Exams Information For 2019

During term 2 there are several schools holding examinations for entry into various year levels.

John Monash Science School

Year 9 examination for entry to year 10 is to be held on Saturday 22nd June 2019.

Year 10 examination for entry to year 11 is to be held on Saturday 25th May 2019.

Melbourne High School

Year 8 examination for entry to year 9 is to be held on Saturday 15th June 2019.

Year 9 examination for entry to year 10 is to be held on Wednesday 12th June 2019.

MacRob High

Year 8 examination for entry to year 9 is to be held on Saturday 15th June 2019.

Year 9 examination for entry to year 10 is to be held on Friday 7th June 2019.


Nossal High

Year 8 examination for entry to year 9 is to be held on Saturday 15th June 2019.

Year 9 examination for entry to year 10 is to be held on Wednesday 12th June 2019.


Suzanne Cory

Year 8 examination for entry to year 9 is to be held on Saturday 15th June 2019.

Year 9 examination for entry to year 10 is to be held on Wednesday 12th June 2019.


John Grundy said on 16:37 Fri 26 Apr, 2019
[0] At Brainworks we have a maximum of 6 students per teacher.
Wendy (qi ming ) Wang said on 15:08 Fri 26 Apr, 2019
[0] May I know about your class size for selective school entry,my girl aim to sit for Macrob in June

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