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|John Monash Science School Holiday Workshops

Are you looking for John Monash Science School exam preparation 2021?

Brainworks Burwood East will be conducting John Monash Science School workshops for exam preparation during the coming school holidays. Numbers are strictly limited for all workshops and bookings are essential. There will be a workshop for Science Reasoning where you can build your knowledge of scientific concepts and use them to solve the two different types of scientific reasoning questions. There will also be four additional science workshops. These workshops encompass 1- Elements, Molecules, Compounds, 2-  Forces and Motion, 3 - Cell Biology and 4- Energy.
All dates, times, additional information and booking information can be found here

Brainworks also tutors students who are planning to sit for the John Monash Science School 2021 exams with a curriculum encompassing maths and science.

John Monash Science School Selective Entry Exam Preparation

  • Students receive individualised tutoring and a customised selective entry program for John Monash Science School.

  • Students build skills across all subjects, gain exam question and exam format familiarity and develop exam strategy.

  • Brainworks has a highly supportive environment with a maximum of six students per teacher.
  • John Monash Science School selective entry exam preparation is available at all Brainworks venues across Melbourne.


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